Business model & Governance
KLABU butterfly logo

KLABU is supporting refugees through the transformative power of sport. The goal: to reach 2+ million refugees in 2030 by actively running 50+ clubhouses in refugee camps, and becoming the world's biggest club. Read here how we have organised ourselves to reach this goal.

Team photo
KLABU team in Ter Apel, the Netherlands
Nyagoa Portrait
Nyagoa, our girls mobiliser from the Kalobeyei Spirit team in Kenya

KLABU's Organizational Structure and Business Model

KLABU is an initiative by the KLABU Foundation that operates on a non-profit basis. Its main activity is building and operating sports clubhouses in refugee camps, settlements and cities. It funds these activities primarily through donations from institutions, companies and private individuals, and proceeds from the sale of KLABU sportswear. The KLABU Foundation is registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI) in the Netherlands.
The development and sale of KLABU sportswear is done by KLABU B.V., a limited private company, with the aim to create a self-sustaining business model and to keep the costs of KLABU Foundation as low as possible e.g. by supporting on office space and marketing. KLABU B.V. has attracted financing from social impact investors to fund the scaling up of its activities. The investors have agreed that no dividends will be paid to them. Half the profits from sportswear sales go to the KLABU Foundation, the other half are reinvested into the brand to sustain continued growth of business and impact. This already gives a level of independence. Our long-term goal is to fund the entire operations of the Foundation through the social enterprise.
Amsterdam Spirit
The KLABU Amsterdam Store & Clubhouse

The KLABU Foundation's Management Board 

The KLABU Foundation has a Management Board consisting of three members, that are in charge of managing the KLABU Foundation. This includes developing the strategy and policies, developing and coordinating the operation of clubhouses, raising funds, maintaining an adequate financial administration, properly identifying and managing risks, running day-to-day operations, ensuring transparency and accountability towards KLABU donors and stakeholders, ensuring that the Foundation continues to qualify as a Public Benefit Organisation (ANBI), and ensuring compliance with applicable laws.
The KLABU Foundation's Management Board is led by Jan van Hövell, Charlotte Jongejan and Machiel Salomons. Jan van Hövell is in charge of the day-to-day management of the KLABU Foundation.
  • Alexander Webb
    TEDx talk by KLABU team member Alex
  • TBD
    Sadumba, head manager of KLABU in Kalobeyei, Kenya
  • Amsterdam Spirit
    Lisa, Amsterdam Spirit clubhouse manager
  • Amsterdam Spirit
    Ousmane, Amsterdam Spirit clubhouse manager
  • Amsterdam Spirit
    KLABU team member Tjark & Amsterdam community
  • Mbera Refugee Camp
    KLABU team in Mauritania with UNHCR and community representatives
  • Amsterdam Spirit
    Mo and Atia: KLABU stars

The KLABU Foundation's Supervisory Board 

The Supervisory Board (Raad van Toezicht) supervises the KLABU Foundation's Management Board in the performance its duties as set out above, and also provides the Management Board with advice based on the Supervisory Board members' experience.
The Supervisory Board has approval rights including with respect to the strategic plan and budget, the adoption of the annual report and annual accounts, and policies.
The Supervisory Board consists of 7 members who have relevant expertise and networks that can help the KLABU Foundation to fulfil its mission: Kim van der Leeuw (Chairperson), Arielle Narinesingh, Michael Schouten, Kim van der Feltz, Godfrey Lado, Marc van Pappelendam and Femke Rotteveel. Members of the Supervisory Board are not compensated for their contribution.
Amsterdam Spirit photos by Jhelisa Panfred
Rie, Atia, Sam, Mo, Tjark, Kurosh and Majdy

Financial Reports

Since our start, we have been building KLABU step by step, receiving generous support from fantastic people and organisations who have helped us to keep our costs as low as possible. You can find the KLABU Foundation's Financial Year Accounts here for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020 and 2019. The 2024 report will be made available mid-2025.
Created with TCHAI
Ousmane and Nienke in front of the Amsterdam clubhouse

Our impact so far

Since 2019, we have launched six clubhouses across four countries: in Kenya, Bangladesh, Greece, Brazil and the Netherlands. In 2024, we will open at least two more clubhouses in Mauritania and probably Jordan, expanding our reach. This is central to KLABU's philosophy: building the world's biggest club for those who don't have one.
Across our current locations, we have 15,000 participants every month that take part in daily activities that improve mental and physical wellbeing (impact goal 1). Contributing to community self-reliance (impact goal 2), we employ 23 people who run the projects with passion and love - making it their clubhouses. Furthermore, the teams are a mix of refugee and host community members, stimulating integration and inclusion (impact goal 3).
Visit our clubhouse pages to read more about our impact!


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